A Successful Week of Giving!

The Puerta Abierta’s first-ever Week of Giving was a resounding success. And that is all thanks to our donors! We still can’t believe that we raised $7,650 for our school in just one week.
The money raised during our Week of Giving will be used for a diverse range of purposes at the Puerta Abierta. Some of the money will go directly toward supporting student tuition – it’s important to us that we make a quality education as accessible as possible for young people in our community. We are also working on plans to build a new comedor for our kindergarteners and preschoolers and convert the old comedor into a new outdoor learning area. We will be sure to share our progress on our social media pages! With so much to do at the Puerta Abierta and so much programming to offer, the money we raised will go to good use.
Sure, our Week of Giving is over, but you can always donate to the Puerta Abierta. All donations small and large make a difference, and each donation of $100 or more will earn a tile on our revamped Gratitude Wall! You can make a donation here: https://atitlanabierta.com/donate/